The Force Infield Grader is a performance oriented, yet cost effective, infield maintenance groomer designed for use behind a riding mower or zero-turn with a rear hitch. With a Force Infield Grader, every baseball and softball league can now afford safer and more playable infields.
The loosening teeth ensure the surface has been properly decompacted to level. The adjustable and replaceable teeth can loosen the infield skin from 0″ up to 1-3/4″ deep depending on the application and conditions. The operator may lock the depth in place and remove every other tooth as desired to accommodate material flow.
Mini Box Grader
With wireless control of the electric actuator powered “Controlled Force Technology,” the operator can quickly and effectively use the mini-box to spread and level loosened material and collect loose debris & rocks with precision and ease. It can effectively reset the grade around home plate, sliding areas, along base paths, and warning tracks.
Reversible Blade
The 1/2″ thick grading blade is shipped with a smooth edge for precision grading, however it may be flipped over to a serrated edge for more aggressive action. The smooth edge is best for infield mix leveling, whereas the serrated edge is best for gravel and other more coarse materials.
Wireless Actuator
The ABI Infield Grader comes standard with an electric actuator. The ABI actuator is commercial grade, has an 8″ stroke, and is weather sealed for longevity. The actuator can be connected to your mower's battery or to an onboard battery(onboard battery not included).